Our pricing for truck cross‐outs and stakes are extremely competitive and they are of great quality, making them a real bargain. We can provide cross‐outs and stacking sticks with banding groove or without, depending on your needs, and we have no problems with custom cuts. Our cross‐outs offer less bowing, crooking, twisting and breakage – saving you valuable downtime and money.

Let’s not forget about our stakes! Great and inexpensive for any use, our stakes are manufactured from straight grained, knot free lumber to prevent splitting when nailed and driven. The colorings of our stakes are helpful to surveyors and engineers – enabling them to quickly and easily identify marketing they have placed upon the stakes. Like all of our popular lumber products, we can custom cut stakes to virtually any size, for any application.

We would be happy to sit down with you and answer any questions you may have about our standard and custom cut truck cross‐outs and stakes. Or, if you are ready to place an order with us, give us a call and put us to work!